Types of CART services

There are 3 main types of Live Captions:

Automated Captions

Suitable for open access, where their isn't an individual with a disability. Automated captions average only about 70-80% accuracy. To enable:

  • Open your zoom session
  • Click Live Transcript on the bottom of zoom
  • Click Enable Automatic Transcription

Post Production Captioning

When an individual with a disability is identified videos require a 99% captioning accuracy. This can be achieved via submitting a video for professional captioning or by manually editing auto-captions.

Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART) - Zoom Displayed

This is the preferred option. If you have a student in the class with a disability, please coordinate services with our office. In this option  To enable, our office coordinates with various vendors to provide a human captionist, to transcribe word for word what is spoken. To enable this option:

  • Provide RADR the link to your zoom session ahead of time.
  • The Captionist will join your meeting, and label themselves as Captionist- *Full Name
  • The professor/host will need to click on Live Transcript on the bottom of zoom
  • Click on "Assign a participant to type"
  • The participants list will appear. Find the captionist, and click the more button that appears to the right.
  • Click assign captionist


Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART) - Third Party

Some of our students prefer to have their captions displayed on another device. To do this they will use another software, like textstream. To Enable:

  • Provide RADR the link to your zoom session a head of time.
  • The Captionist will join your meeting, and label themselves as Captionist- *Full Name

The captionist willl now listen to your meeting and provide the student captions in another application. You can Watch a demo of StreamText, which is a popular application vendors will use.




Resource Category
ASL/CART Services
New Brunswick
Off Campus Locations