RADR Virtual Support Desk
The RADR Virtual Support Desk is for Students Who:
Have questions about:
Assistive Technology (AT)-
Technical issues or follow up training regarding your assistive technologies or adaptive devices
Device/s that you are currently using (ex. FM System, SmartPen, Tablet, Microphone)
Borrowing or returning an assistive technology device
text to speech
speech to text
Accessible course materials (also known as alternate format materials)
Textbook (ACM/AFT) requests (ex. digital, large format)
Materials that have been remediated for your courses or need to be remediated
American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation
Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART captioning)
Video closed captioning or audio descriptions
How to connect with the RADR Virtual Support Desk:
Email us at: radr@echo.rutgers.edu
Join a virtual drop-in session with Rutgers Access and Disability Resources.
Tuesdays from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
To attend go to https://rutgers.zoom.us/my/mrm505 and use passcode 102317
Live chat will be available on Thursdays from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Book an appointment with a member of the RADR team through our Bookings Page.
Other University Resources For Technical Support:
Canvas Support
Website: Canvas Support Center (Links to an external site.)
Email: help@canvas.rutgers.edu
Phone: 877-361-1134 (Available 24/7)
Office of Information Technology
Website: https://it.rutgers.edu/help-support/
Phone: 833-OIT-HELP (833-648-4357)
Email: help@oit.rutgers.edu
Need other support related to your accommodations:
Reach out to your ODS Office:
- Rutgers University Camden
- Rutgers University Newark
- Rutgers University New Brunswick
- Rutgers University Health (formerly RBHS)