Registering for Services and General Inquiries

Register with ODS

Students with a documented disability looking to register for reasonable accommodations and services at Rutgers University:

  1. Complete and submit the Registration Form
    Upon completion of this form, you will receive a confirmation email of your submission.
  2. Schedule an Initial Appointment
    After receiving your initial information form, a representative from ODS will contact you to schedule an initial meeting with a coordinator. This meeting typically lasts up to one hour and can be in person, via video, or by phone.
  3. Submit appropriate documentation

    ODS uses documentation to better understand the impact of your condition and what are the potential barriers you might encounter. Documentation is not necessary for us to meet for an initial appointment. Our goal is to support you in making this process as smooth as possible and are happy to answer any questions you might have.

    Detailed information about documentation, including forms for healthcare providers, can be found at our page on Documentation Guidelines. When possible, it is helpful for us to have documentation for our first meeting. 

    On or before your initial appointment, please submit the appropriate documentation that meets ODS guidelines for your disability, by any of the following methods:

Upon completion of your initial appointment, ODS will review information from your initial appointment, your documentation, and any other pertinent information submitted. Students will receive a response in a timely manner with one of the following application statuses:​

  • Reasonable Accommodations Approved: when a student’s request for reasonable accommodations have been approved, the student will be contacted by their assigned disability coordinator at their campus to finalize the process for receiving their reasonable accommodations. Once approved, the student will have a follow up conversation with their coordinator, done in-person, over the phone, or via video; whatever is easiest for the student. During this conversation, there will be a review of how to implement the approved accommodations and assistance for the student in completing the Letter of Accommodations form.
  • More Information Needed: This means that we require more information demonstrating your need for requested accommodations before the request can be approved. Your coordinator will provide further information on what specifically is required and will typically schedule a follow-up conversation, if necessary.
  • Application Not Approved: when a student’s request for reasonable accommodations is not approved, the coordinator will contact the student to explain the rationale for the denial and discuss next steps, if applicable.

General Information

Some general examples of disabilities we accommodate include, but are not limited to, depression, anxiety, hearing/vision/mobility conditions, chronic illnesses, psychological diagnoses, learning disabilities, ADHD, traumatic brain injury, and Autism Spectrum Disorder.

If you would like further information on the Office of Disability Services or how to connect to our office, simply submit an inquiry and someone from one of our offices would be happy to speak with you!

Resource Category
Student Resources
Student Accommodations
Registering for Services
Documentation Guidelines
New Brunswick
Off Campus Locations