How to Set Up Exam Accommodations using Respondus Lock Down Browser and Monitoring

Respondus Information for Faculty:

What is Respondus?

How do I set up Respondus in my course?

How do I set up Extra Time Quiz/Exam Accommodations when using Respondus?

What if the accommodation the student is requesting is not listed on the Letter of Accommodation submitted by the student? 

Known Accessibility Issues When Using Respondus LockDown and Monitor.

Known Accessibility of Respondus


Q: What is Respondus?:

  • Respondus 4.0 is a tool that allows an instructor to author and manage assessments within Blackboard and Canvas.
  • LockDown Browser is a custom browser that literally locks down the online testing environment within Blackboard or Canvas, preventing students from switching applications, printing, and taking screenshots as well as copying and pasting.  Students are required to download and install the Respondus LockDown Browser on their personal computer.  More information is also available directly from Respondus.
  • Respondus Monitor is a companion application for LockDown Browser that uses webcam and video technology to maintain the integrity of online exams for non-proctored testing environments.  
  • Instructions on how to use Respondus are available for Canvas Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitoring or for Blackboard at the Rutgers Newark Academic Technology Services web site

Q: How do I set up Respondus in my course?

A: Respondus is a layer that runs on top of the Learning Management System Blackboard or Canvas for quizzes/exams. The LMS provides access and time limits. You can add Respondus to your Blackboard or Canvas course site by adding it as a Tool to your site.

Instructions on how to set up Respondus are also available for Canvas Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitoring or for Blackboard at the Rutgers Newark Academic Technology Services web site

Q: How do I set up Extra Time Quiz/Exam Accommodations when using Respondus? 

A:  If an instructor enables an accommodation such as extended time within the LMS (Blackboard or Canvas) for a quiz/exam and also enables Respondus LockDown Browser or Monitoring, then the student has the accommodation within the LMS for that particular quiz/exam.

For most LMS systems, the instructor must:

  • Create the quiz/exam with the appropriate extra time for the student. Visit our guide for Extended Time for Exams for Rutgers LMS.
  • Then select the “Respondus LockDown and Respondus Monitor” link from the course navigation within the LMS and locate this student's particular quiz from the list. All of the quizzes created within the LMS are automatically imported on the LMS dashboard.
  • When Respondus is enabled for a particular quiz/exam then the quiz/exam will run with the extended time within the LMS for this student.

Q: What if the accommodation the student is requesting is not listed on the Letter of Accommodation submitted by the student?

A: Please contact the Coordinator listed on the Letter of Accommodation or contact the appropriate Rutgers Office of Disability Services (ODS) to speak to a student's specific Coordinator to discuss the accommodation request further.  Remember, some accommodations listed on the Letter of Accommodation may need to be adjusted for the online testing environment, but they still need to be approved by the Office of Disability Services. 

Known Accessibility Issues When Using Respondus LockDown and Monitor.

Information from Respondus on Accessibility Issues:

LockDown Browser is a client application installed to a computing device. Respondus Monitor is a web-based service that enhances the LockDown Browser product. For LockDown Browser, accessibility issues focus on the browser itself, whereas accessibility features with Respondus Monitor center on the "startup sequence" screens that appear prior to the start of an exam and the interaction with a web camera. 

Note: Therefore, some browser based assistive technologies like Kurzweil will NOT work with Respondus.  Students will need to work with the Office of Disability Services at their Rutgers campus and their professors to come up with a solution that will still allow an exam/quizz to be proctored and allows a student to use their assistive technologies such as Kurzweil or Read and Write Gold. 

Accessibility of Respondus:

LockDown Browser

The Mac and the iPad version of LockDown Browser works with VoiceOver (the standard screen reader that comes with the Mac OS and iOS) and requires no additional effort by the user.

The Windows version of LockDown Browser allows a student to use some screen reader programs, such as JAWS and Windows-Eyes. 

It's important to recognize that LockDown Browser is simply a browser used to take exams within a Learning Management System. 

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