
Another software students might use is called ZoomText. ZoomText is a screen magnifier that enlarges everything on the screen and then smooths out the text and images so they are still identifiable (and not pixelated). ZoomText also allows for the student to adjust the screen colors (or students with contrast impairments, issues with managing bright lights, etc), and have the screen read aloud as they navigate through the screen.

Important items to point out

When a student is using zoom text, they are often zooming to 300-400 times the normal view. They are essentially consuming your content through a straw. You want to avoid using unnecessary graphics that may clutter your page/slide.

  • Many students whose sight is deteriorating use ZoomText in order to transition to fully using a screen reader. The company has recently launched a version called Fusion which combines ZoomText and JAWs. A student should be able to rely on both magnification and text to speech.


Next Faculty Training Topic: Tactile Graphics



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