How to Find your Textbook in Electronic Formats

Tag: Alternate Format Text

In some cases, your books may already be available in an electronic format. Below are some resources to help you find them:


Bookshare is an accessible online library for people with print disabilities.  Free memberships for qualified U.S. students and schools. To sign up for Bookshare and obtain your electronic book, go to the Bookshare sign up page

Other Resources:

Students can order their books directly from the source listed and do not need to submit the Alternate Textbook Request Form for that book. To order accessible electronic books directly from Bookshare, CourseSmart, the National Library Service, Project Gutenberg or Vital Source, go to the link below and order your book:

  • Learning Ally  A new research-based program designed to give students support throughout college.
  • Read How You Want is an accessibility site from which you can obtain a title in whatever font size or accessibility format you desire, including DAISY and other text-to-speech editions. These titles are direct-for-sale to the end-user, so it is no longer necessary for the student to buy an unusable text copy of the book. The student can access the RHYW site directly, search for the desired book, and purchase in the desired format.
  • VitalSource is a platform for purchasing online textbooks from many major publishers. Their reading platform, Bookshelf,  is available for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.
  • National Library Service is a network of regional and subregional libraries that provide a free library service to persons who are unable to use standard printed material because of visual or physical disabilities. Library patrons can expect to borrow audio or braille books such as they might find in print at a local public library.
  • Project Gutenberg offers over 40,000 free ebooks, including free epub books as well as free kindle books.
Resource Category
Alternate Format Text
New Brunswick
Off Campus Locations