Post ACM/AFT Intake


Box Access & Download Information


Bookshare Access Information

BookShare lets you look up books and textbooks for classes in Accessible Course Materials/Alternate Format Text (ACM/AFT).

Bookshare can be accessed via You should receive an email containing a link to finish creating your account. If you do not see the emails in your inbox; please make sure to check your spam folder. If you do not, please contact the person who you met with for your intake. You must use the email you receive to set up a Bookshare account otherwise you will have to pay to sign up.

Rutgers RADR and ODS do not have access to your Bookshare login information. If you need help logging into Bookshare after your account is created, please contact the person who you met for your intake.

Kurzweil Access & Download Information

Kurzweil 3000 is a text-to-speech software that reads digital AFT’s (word documents, pdf, etc.) & also includes other assistive tools (text magnification, highlighting and note taking, dictionary, created mp3's, template outlines for writing, etc.)

Download Kurzweil

Kurzweil can be installed on your computer using one of the files saved in this linked Box folder. Simply download the file which corresponds to your operating system (Windows or Mac) from the folder and run the downloaded file to install Kurzweil. Downloading the file may take some time as it is very large.

Kurzweil Login

You should get an email from Kurzweil with instruction on how to finish setting up your account.

It should link you to a webpage that asks you for your username. Your username typically is going to be your Rutgers netid. Then, it is going to ask you what password you want to make for your account.

Once you set up your password, your log in should be the following format: 

Username: Your Rutgers NetID

Password: the password you set up via the Kurzweil email

Additional Kurzweil Training

Additional information and training, including a list of features and video tutorials can be found on our Kurzweil 3000 resource page.


Read&Write Access & Download Information

 Read&Write is a text-to-speech software that reads digital AFT’s (word documents, pdf, etc.) & also includes other assistive tools (text magnification, highlighting and note taking, dictionary, created mp3's, etc.)

Download Read&Write

Read&Write can be installed on your computer using one of the files saved in this linked Box folder. Simply download the file which corresponds to your operating system (Windows or Mac) from the folder and run the downloaded file to install Kurzweil. Downloading the file may take some time as it is very large. Also included in the folder is a link to the Chrome Web Store where you can add Read&Write to Google Chrome.

Read&Write Login

Your Read&Write account is intergrated with Rutgers Scarlet Mail (Google Suite / Google Drive). When prompted by Read&Write, login using your Scarletmail email address and NetID password.

Your Rutgers Scarletmail is: [your netid]

Additional Read&Write Training

Additional information and training, including a list of features and video tutorials can be found on our Read&Write resource page.


Links to Other Resources that may have been Covered during your Intake



Resource Category
Accessible Course Materials/Alternate Format Text
New Brunswick
Off Campus Locations