Documentation Guidelines for a Medical Condition

For any disability or condition which impacts physical well-being, such as, but not limited to: impaired vision, impaired hearing, impaired mobility, diabetes, Crohn’s Disease, etc., the student is required to provide documentation of the disability/condition. Specifically, it is recommended that our Medical Condition Documentation Form is completed by the treating health care provider.  If the form is not completed, any other documentation submitted must be provided on the appropriate health care provider's office letterhead with his/her signature and contact information. The health care provider must be treating the condition and the patient for which they seek the reasonable accommodation. Additionally, the documentation should meet our General Documentation Guidelines. The documentation must include all of the following:

  1. The name of the patient/student
  2. The name of the condition
  3. The severity of the condition (for example if the patient/student is visually impaired a Low Vision Evaluation Report is helpful)
  4. How the condition may impact the student’s ability to carry out normal everyday activities associated with attending college
  5. How long the condition is expected to persist
  6. Any additional information the health care provider thinks might be useful as it relates to providing reasonable accommodations
Resource Category
Student Accommodations
Documentation Guidelines
New Brunswick
Off Campus Locations