Screen Readers

Screen readers are used by individuals who are blind or have low vision, to read and navigate their computer. Below are some common types of screen reading software:


If you are registered with the Office of Disability Services and looking to utilize this as an accommodation please be sure to speak with your campus’ ODS Coordinator.

NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA)

NVDA is a free, open-source Screen Reader, for Windows. This is also a great tool for web developers or other individuals looking to learn screen reading technology.

VoiceOver (MAC)

VoiceOver is a computer and mobile screen-reader program for macOS and iOS. VoiceOver functions on Mac, iPhones, and iPads, and supports gestures, keyboards, and braille displays. It is built into Apple products, so there are no additional costs or downloads. VoiceOver supports Safari and Opera, email, PDFs, and all built-in Mac apps.

Narrator (Windows)

Microsoft Narrator is a screen-reading software provided as a part of the Windows operating system. Narrator’s features are more limited than features of JAWS and NVDA. Narrator, however, has one important feature: it allows blind users to install Windows operating system independent of sighted assistance.

Job Access With Speech (JAWS)

JAWS is a computer screen-reading program for Windows. It is fully compatible with Magic and Zoom magnification software. JAWS is sold as two licenses: JAWS Home, which is a paid software intended for individuals for personal, non-commercial use; and JAWS Professional, which is a paid software intended for use by organizations, and professional or commercial use. JAWS is also available with combination with Zoom magnification software as a Fusion package. Rutgers has an institutional license for Fusion with JAWS and ZoomText that can be downloaded from the software download page.  


If you have questions or need support using your accommodations, send us an email at or schedule an online support call.
Resource Category
Assistive Technology