How to install Kurzweil's Read the Web
Kurzweil 3000 Read the Web Instructions for Google Chrome
- You can install the Kurzweil Read the Web extension from the Chrome web store.
- Click the blue “Add to Chrome” button and follow the prompts to install the extension.
- After the extension is installed, restart Chrome.
- You'll notice a color square icon button near the top-right of your web browser. Click on that button to open the extension overlay.
- Within the overlay, you will be required to sign into Kurzweil before being able to use the extension. Sign into Kurzweil Read the Web using the same username and password as you would if you were logging into Kurzweil on the desktop.
- Click the play button to start reading content on a web page. You can alternatively highlight the text you want to read first, or place your cursor (click) at a location on the page before you start to read.
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Assistive Technology
New Brunswick
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