Enlarge font for exams


This document is for all Professors and Teaching Assistants who wish to enlarge font of a document/Exam in word format. Typically, students’ Letter of Accommodation has the approved font size, if it is absent then consider 22, as a least font size for enlargement. Also, such students use a computer or separate set of sheets to record their answers for exams. Hence, the formatting will be done considering such factors. 


Best Practices for writing your Exam document in word 

This section will guide through some of the basic mistakes and best practices, which must be followed while writing: 

  1. The use of Numbering, Bullets or any list, must be prepared using word list indexing instead of manual number feed. Here is a How to guide for making Bullets/Numbers or any list in word (Links to an external site.), link can be found on Microsoft’s Website. 
  2. Avoid using “Justified” alignment, having any right/left/center alignment works well. Here is a How to guide for changing alignment of text in word document (Links to an external site.), link can be found on Microsoft’s Website. 
  3. Unnecessary Whitespaces majorly impact the formatting. Avoid any unnecessary whitespaces, be in a line (due to blank space bars or between the lines). As the text is enlarged these whitespace character length also get enlarged that can end up in disarranging the document. Use of (Tab spaces, Page Break) instead of many strokes of (space, New Line) is highly recommended. 
  4. Use of Page numbers is always recommended. Once the text is enlarged make sure to keep the logical page numbering remains intact. This helps the student to follow up the references correctly if someone is reaching out to Professor or student during exam.  


Enlarging Fonts in Exams 

Increase the font size as per situation (default 22). It is expected that once the size of font is increased the document will change its arrangement. Hence, it should be checked that every question should start and end on the same page, if there is an overlap then question should be moved to the next page.  


For everything that is not body text 

Before we discuss this section, it is advised to prepare charts, tables etc. in their own format and not use them as images. As when such images are expanded, text get pixelated resulting in more difficulty for the target audience to understand. 

  • Images - Keep all images in-line to text or place them strategically after a section. Hence, the enlargement will not disturb the position of image on text and its significance. Every Image and Image Caption must be enlarged separately after text is enlarged. 
  • Tables – Ensure text contained in every cell has been enlarged. This may cause some values to be improperly arranged in a cell. Use the auto-fit feature or manually increase cell’s height and width. Here is a How to guide for resizing a table (Links to an external site.), link can be found on Microsoft’s Website.  
  • Mathematical Expressions - Mathematical Expressions are drawn using MathType plugin or Microsoft’s Convert Ink to Equation utility. Both produces text in Text form with Cambria Math or True Type Math font. The equations can be enlarged by selecting entire equation from its frame and then enlarged like regular text. 
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