Transition Resources: High School to College

As all students navigate the process of applying to college, being accepted, and transitioning to college, it is important for students with disabilities and their parents to consider additional things as they make this journey.

  1. There are differences in the types of services provided by colleges versus high schools.
  2. The laws are different from high school and college.
  3. The student is much more in charge of what they need to do.
  4. Students have to self-advocate and follow the college's process or services or not provided.
  5. Parents do not typically have rights to handle the process for their child and are less involved.
  6. There may be a cost to obtaining additional documentation that meets the college guidelines.
  7. IEP's may not be enough for documentation for college to receive accommodations. 

Below are some helpful resources for students transitioning into college.  These resources are not endorsed by the university, but they are available for informational purposes only.  

Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education. This  information is provided by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the U. S. Department of Education to explain the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities who are preparing to attend post-secondary schools. This site also explains the obligations of a post-secondary school to provide academic adjustments, including auxiliary aids and services, to ensure the school does not discriminate on the basis of disability.

Going to College provides video clips, activities, and resources that can help students get a head start in planning for college. Video interviews with college students with disabilities offer a way to hear firsthand from students with disabilities who have been successful. Modules include activities that will help students explore more about themselves, learn what to expect from college, and equip them with important considerations and tasks to complete when planning for college.

College Resources for Students with Disabilities: With the advances of adaptive technologies and trend toward progressive legislation, prospective college students with disabilities now have countless resources available to make their transition to postsecondary education less stressful. Find specific information and resources on a variety of different disabilities, learn how to make the transition into the workforce easier, and find out what your legal rights on campus are.

Higher Education for Students with Disabilities; Rights, Resources and Accredited Online Schools This guide provides an overview of rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities in higher education and explains how these might be different from the K-12 setting.

Set to Go: There are skills that will help you thrive as you get ready to leave high school. Here you'll find information, tools and guidance to help you feel Set to Go - whether you go to college or straight to a career.

College Resources for Students with Disabilities Prospective college students with disabilities will find that many campuses are equipped with offices and services that address accessibility, accommodation, and assistive technology for a diverse range of needs. Student services offices and disability coordinators work to make campuses inclusive environments through specialized advocacy, support, and academic services.

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