Requests for COVID-19 Related Considerations, Exceptions and Disability-Related Accommodations:

The following document is meant to provide the university community with information and referrals during the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19.  There may be times when a Rutgers University student makes a request for a consideration, modification, or accommodation that is COVID-19 related in order to participate in any Rutgers course for the spring 2021.  This document is meant to provide guidelines to allow our students safe participation, or modification of participation, in Rutgers courses during these difficult and unprecedented times. 

Our expectation is that we are consistent in our treatment of all students with COVID-19 related requests, which reinforces the university’s underlying principles, simplifies our messaging, and maximizes safety and risk.  

Below is an outline of Rutgers information, guiding principles, and referral information for supporting students who have the following requests for considerations, exceptions or accommodations during the spring 2021 semester.  This document relates to students who have:

  • tested positive for COVID-19 and are in quarantine
  • been notified by contact tracing agencies and are in quarantine
  • COVID-19 related risks factors according to the CDC guidelines (e.g., age related, medical condition, living with a family member at high risk, not an exhaustive list)
  • a disability and may need a reasonable accommodation due to their disability related COVID-19 conditions.   

Rutgers Information for Spring 2021:

  • Most courses this fall will have to rely on remote methods of instruction—delivered both in real-time and asynchronously.
  • The majority of our undergraduate courses will be delivered remotely with a limited number of courses that benefit from direct access to campus facilities happening in-person, with appropriate health-related precautions.  Examples include select courses in the arts, laboratory or field work, and clinical instruction. Each Chancellor has worked with his or her deans and faculty and will provide updates on specific courses that will use at least some in-person instruction.
  • The university released “Returning to Rutgers,” a comprehensive guide to how buildings and workspaces must be prepared for any significant return to campus by our faculty and staff. Please know that we will continue to work within state guidelines for work-related activities and the guidance of public health experts to coordinate the re-opening of our offices later this summer. 
  • For details on the upcoming semester, visit the respective campus website:

Students who have a COVID-19 related request for a consideration, modification, or accommodation related to participation in any Rutgers course for spring 2021, should follow the steps outlined below.  The objective of the steps is to provide information for students so that they can work with the appropriate university office, department or school to minimize confusion and maximize efforts.

Student Guidance Step 1:

Academic programs have been encouraged to provide flexibility in remote and in person learning, course sequences, and evaluation options when possible. Below is information for students at each Rutgers campus to check their course schedules; contact advising; change course schedules to be remote, if possible; and work with their academic advisor and/or school to participate as fully as possible for spring 2021.


Rutgers-New Brunswick:

  • Most classes will meet remotely. Your schedule will provide you with information about how your courses will meet. If you want to make changes in your schedule: Continuing and transfer students at Rutgers-NB will be able to make changes using WebReg


For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the Returning to Rutgers-Newark, A Working Plan (under Academic Support and Advising, Online Tools and Resources) students can find information about advising and scheduling.  

Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS)

Students Should Work with their Academic Advisors

Students who are unable to change their schedules as indicated above or need assistance, should work with their academic advisors to make all possible adjustments to their schedules that will meet their needs or concerns related to COVID-19 and address their requests for consideration or modification for their spring 2021 courses.  All schools are providing their full range of advising services remotely. Please visit the applicable campus advising website for specifics. 

For the limited in-person interaction that we are planning, we are well aware that these plans may get disrupted if students are unable to come to campus because of health and related considerations. If such circumstances arise for classes expected to run in-person, students should be provided alternate opportunities for asynchronous or synchronous remote instruction (when possible and if doing so does not substantially alter technical or essential requirements for their school, course, program, clinic or field placement) so that the academic progress of our students can continue.  Students should contact their professors, academic advisors, clinical directors, or field placement directors to set up alternate remote opportunities or other reasonable means of participation if alternative means is available.   

Student Guidance Step 2:

If scheduling adjustments don’t adequately address their COVID-19 related concerns, students will be directed to reach out to their COVID-19 task force through an on line request process at their respective campus, where the team will work in ensuring that the appropriate university office provides assistance with the student’s request.

Online Request Forms for Rutgers Campuses:


Rutgers-Camden students, please go to the Dean of Students for further assistance.

Students with Disabilities:

  • If a student has a disability and is in need of a reasonable accommodation (COVID-19 related or not), the student should contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at their respective campuses.  Students will be asked to complete and submit the Registration Form, as soon as they are able. Further details of the registration process can be found at the Registering for Services page on the Rutgers Access and Disability Resources web site.  If students are eligible due to a disability, a reasonable accommodation analysis will be conducted and reasonable accommodations would be provided (unless doing so would fundamentally alter a course or program or would create an undue burden or direct threat).
  • According to the CDC’s web site, disability alone may not be related to higher risk for getting COVID-19 or having severe illness. Most people with disabilities are not inherently at higher risk for becoming infected with or having severe illness from COVID-19.  However, some people with disabilities might be at a higher risk of infection or severe illness because of their underlying medical conditions. If this is the case, please follow the steps outlined above and if in need of a reasonable accommodation, please contact the Office of Disability Services at the appropriate Rutgers campus. Students should discuss their risk of illness with their healthcare provider and act accordingly.
  • We recognize that during the pandemic, there are many things that are challenging for students.  This document only addresses issues related to exceptions, considerations and accommodations, but there are many other resources at the Rutgers campus the student is enrolled.  Please refer to the Dean of Students/Student Affairs/campus resources web pages for further information on these resources. 
Resource Category
Student Resources
New Brunswick
Off Campus Locations