Providing Accommodations When Using Proctortrack

What is Proctortrack?

How do I set up Proctortrack in my course?

What if the accommodation the student is requesting is not listed on the Letter of Accommodation submitted by the student? 

What other student accommodation needs are possible when using Proctortrack?

Q: What is Proctortrack?

A: Proctortrack is a tool for monitoring online exams which utilizes an automated, proctor less approach to ensure exam taking integrity.  

Proctortrack is remote proctoring software that uses webcams to track student activity during test-taking and flag any suspicious activity for instructor attention.

For more detailed information, visit TLT's Proctortrack web site, Proctortrack's web site and Proctortrack's documentation on setting up exams in Canvas.

How do I set up Proctortrack in my course?

A: Proctortrack is a layer that runs on top of the Learning Management System (e.g.,Canvas or Sakai )  quizz/exams. The LMS provides access and time limits. You can add Proctortrack to your Canvas or Sakai course site by adding it as a Tool to your site.

Instructions on how to use Proctortrack are also available in the Sakai Help Documentation or TLT's Proctortrack web site.

Q: How do I set up Extra Time Quiz/Exam Accommodations when using Proctortrack? 

A:  If an instructor enables an accommodation such as extended time within the LMS (Canvas or Sakai) for a quiz/exam and also enables Proctortrack for monitoring, then the student has the accommodation within the LMS for that particular quiz/exam.

For most LMS systems, the instructor must:

  • Create the quiz/exam with the appropriate extra time for the student. Visit our guide for Extended Time for Exams for Rutgers LMS.
  • Then select the “Proctortrack” link from the course navigation within the LMS and locate this student's particular quiz from the list. All of the quizzes created within the LMS are automatically imported on the Proctortrack dashboard.
  • When Proctortrack is enabled for a particular quiz/exam then the quiz/exam will run with the extended time within the LMS for this student.

Q: What if the accommodation the student is requesting is not listed on the Letter of Accommodation submitted by the student?


A: Please contact the Coordinator listed on the Letter of Accommodation or contact the appropriate Rutgers Office of Disability Services (ODS) to speak to a student's specific Coordinator to discuss the accommodation request further.  Remember, some accommodations listed on the Letter of Accommodation may need to be adjusted for the online testing environment, but they still need to be approved by the Office of Disability Services. 

Q: What other student accommodation needs are possible when using Proctortrack?

Remember, please ensure that the student has the accommodation listed on their Letter of Accommodation approved by the Office of Disability Services (ODS) or contact ODS first before implementing new accommodations.

Most accommodation needs can be met by using the tab "Students Settings" on the instructor's dashboard so that they can configure the proctored exam based on the requirement for a specific student.

The following adjustments to Proctortrack are possible under the "Student Settings" tab. 

  • Allow Copy/Paste
  • Allow multiple monitors
  • Allow multiple people in the background or on the screen
  • Allow multiple keyboard and mouse
  • Allow question reading
  • Allow online/digital resources 
  • Opt-out of Photo ID scan
  • Opt-out of Photo ID scan 
  • Allow short breaks
  • Allow Food and Drinks


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Faculty Training on Accessibility
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