Resources For Faculty

Tips for working with different disabilities

  • Not all disabilities are visible, such as heart disease, learning disabilities, ADHD, depression, or asthma.
  • Many people have temporary disabilities which are equally as limiting as permanent disabilities.
  • Not everyone with a disability wishes to discuss their disability or its limitations.
  • Wait until you know an individual before asking personal questions.
Identity First - People First Language and Disability Etiquette Resources


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden



Top 3 ways to improve Word document accessibility


3. Build Structure into your documents by using the Style EditorHow to Add Styles to Headings
  1. Highlight the word(s) or heading to which you would like to add a style.
  2. In the Home tab, look in the Styles section. Here, you can select the style you would like to apply to the highlighted text.
  3. When you choose a style, the highlighted text will appear to your left in a Navigation pane. 


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden



Turnitin Accessibility Topics

Turnitin Accessibility Topics 

(Information borrowed from University of Colorado Boulder's web site)

Service Overview

Turnitin is an originality-checking service that instructors can enable for assignments in Canvas. There are two layers of Turnitin that students can access: originality scores in Canvas and Turnitin Feedback Studio. Students may view the originality score within Canvas under Submission…


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden


Faculty, Students

Types of Captioning services

Automated Captions

Suitable for open access, where there isn't an individual with a disability participating. Automated captions average only about 50-90% accuracy. To enable automated Zoom captions:

  • Open your RU zoom session
  • Click CC - Show captions
Postproduction CaptioningWhen an individual with a disability is identified videos require a 99% captioning accuracy. This can be achieved via submitting a video for professional captioning or by…


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden


Faculty, Staff, Students, Visitors

Using Zooms Automated Captions

Automated Captions are now available for all Rutgers Zoom accounts. Once activated by the host, all users will have the opportunity to benefit from this feature.

Activating Automated Captions

To activate the automated captions for users, the host will need to start closed captioning. To do so:

  1. After launching your meeting, click on the Live Transcript button, located at the bottom of the zoom window (next to Record).


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden


Faculty, Staff

Web Based Course Content Accessibility Quick Guide

Accessibility and disability-related accommodations must be taken into consideration throughout preparations and planning your online course to ensure that all students can fully participate.

This quick guide that will enable you to evaluate the most critical elements of your web-based course content.  For more detailed information on these topics and further topics of making your course accessible, please visit our faculty resource pages on


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden



Web Ex and Web Ex Accessibility

Web Ex is a web conferencing tool enabling collaboration through online meetings and collaboration.  Some courses will be utilizing Web ex for their courses for online learning. 

Rutgers Information Technology has created a Quick Start Guide for Web Ex as well as Using Web Ex Meetings,…


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden


Faculty, Students

Zoom and Zoom Accessibility

Zoom is a Web conferencing tool with combination of video, voice, content sharing, and chat functions for online meetings or courses.  

Rutgers now has a university-wide license for Zoom.  Rutgers Information Technology Services, ITS has created a Zoom Home page with information on Creating a Rutgers Zoom Account, a…


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden


Faculty, Staff, Students


Another software students might use is called ZoomText. ZoomText is a screen magnifier that enlarges everything on the screen and then smooths out the text and images so they are still identifiable (and not pixelated). ZoomText also allows for the student to adjust the screen colors (or students with contrast impairments, issues with managing bright lights, etc), and have the screen read aloud as they navigate through the screen.

Important items to point out

When a student is using zoom text, they are often zooming to 300-400 times…


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden

