Exam Accommodations
Adding Extra Time on Exams/Quizzes in a Learning Management System
Exam Accommodations
Exam Acommodations Online
Remember, submitting your Letter of Accommodation to your professor is step one in implementing your exam accommodations. All students who have exams either online or in person should be submitting an exam request form. Students should follow the Student Responsibilities for…
ODS Administering Exams with Accommodations
The following is a timeline of how exam requests are received and handled by the Office of Disability Services (ODS). It includes the student and professor responsibilities.
- The student submits the Exam Request Form no less than 5 business days (excluding holidays…
Receiving Accommodations Online
We appreciate your flexibility during this novel and challenging time, and recognize that this may be the first time some of you are participating in online courses. We have developed information below about how some of the most commonly used accommodations may work in an…
Setting Up Accommodations When Using Proctor U
How to Set Up Accommodations for Exams and Quizzes Using Proctor U: Q: What does a professor need to do to set up accommodations for a student at Rutgers? A: To receive exam accommodations for a proctored exam that is using Proctor U, the…
Student responsibilities for exam arrangements through ODS
The same process and procedures outlined below are also utilized for online exams. However, instead of being in person, the student may be proctored using an online system.
BEFORE THE EXAM- Submit the online Exam Request…