Documentation Guidelines

Documentation Guidelines for a Learning Disability

Every report submitted to the Office of Disability Services (ODS) for learning disability documentation must meet the ODS general documentation guidelines as well as including the following elements:

I.   Recent Assessment

The report must provide adequate information about the student’s current level of functioning.  If such information is missing and/or outdated, the student may be asked to provide a more…


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden



Documentation Guidelines for a Medical Condition

For any disability or condition which impacts physical well-being, such as, but not limited to: impaired vision, impaired hearing, impaired mobility, diabetes, Crohn’s Disease, etc., the student is required to provide documentation of the disability/condition. Specifically, it is recommended that our Medical Condition Documentation Form is completed by the treating health care provider.  If the form is not completed, any other documentation submitted must be…


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden



Documentation Guidelines for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

General Information

Further information on the components of professionally prepared documentation such as: qualified professionals; diagnostic statements; diagnostic methodology; current functioning and current documentation; functional impairment; duration, progression, and stability of a condition; and documentation to support requested reasonable accommodations can be found at the following link: General Documentation Guidelines.



New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden



General Documentation Guidelines

The guidelines for documentation below are recommended for Rutgers University to enhance consistency and provide students, parents and professionals with the information needed to assist students in establishing eligibility for services and receiving appropriate accommodations. The guidelines are broad enough to allow for flexibility in accepting documentation from a range of perspectives given the different educational environments within Rutgers University.


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden



Registering for Services and General Inquiries

Register with ODSStudents with a documented disability looking to register for reasonable accommodations and services at Rutgers University:
  1. Complete and submit the Registration Form
    Upon completion of this form, you will receive a confirmation email of your submission.
  2. Schedule an Initial Appointment
    After receiving your initial information form, a representative…


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden

