Accessible Online Courses

Adding Live Captioning to online classes

For professors looking to teach synchronous online classes, our office recommends using WebEx. If you require live captioning, below are the steps to enable them:

Enabling WebEx- First Time Users

First-time users will need to activate your WebEx service. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Service Activation on the left side menu
  3. After you've logged in, click the box that reads 'Rutgers WebEx'.
  4. Click Activate Services

A confirmation page will…


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden



Creating Navigation

In our introduction to screen readers part 1, we looked at how  a student would navigate your course content. Below is a tutorial on how to set up structure with in your documents to allow a student to easily navigate through them.



To add a heading style

  1. Select a text that you want to add a header to.

  2. Select Home > Styles (or press Alt + H,…


New Brunswick, Off Campus Locations, RBHS, Newark, Camden

