Adding Live Captioning to online classes

For professors looking to teach synchronous online classes, our office recommends using WebEx. If you require live captioning, below are the steps to enable them:

Enabling WebEx- First Time Users

First-time users will need to activate your WebEx service. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Service Activation on the left side menu
  3. After you've logged in, click the box that reads 'Rutgers WebEx'.
  4. Click Activate Services

A confirmation page will appear, letting you know that changes should be made to your account within an hour. (Your activation is usually instantaneous, however).


Logging into WebEx

  1. Go to
  2. Click Log in
  3. After you've signed in, on the top right (next to your name) click 'Classic View'

**Important to note- to enable the captioning pod, you'll need to use the classic view **


Scheduling meeting and enabling captioning

On the top menu (you may need to click the up arrow above your name in the center of the screen to see it), click WebEx Meetings.

  1. On the left side menu, click Schedule a Meeting
  2. Above the 'Meeting topic, you'll see a message that allows you to go to the Advanced Scheduler. Click on the link to do so.
  3. Go through the required fields. You can choose to set it up as a reoccurring meeting.
  4. under Meeting Options, select Enable Closed Captionist.


Enabling Captioning on non-scheduled meetings


  1.  In the Meeting window, click on the Meeting drop-down menu
  2. Choose Options. The Meeting Options dialog box appears, with the General tab selected by default
    Mac users: Select Preferences and then select Tools.
  3. Check the Enable Closed Captioning box.
  4. Click Apply, then click OK.


Assigning a captionist

Once you start your meeting, select the person's name you want to be the captionist. Next to their name, will be an options dialogue box. Click on 'change role to' and select 'Closed Captionist'

Resource Category
Faculty Resources
Faculty Resources for Online Courses
Accessible Online Courses
New Brunswick
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